How to treat water to prevent gastro?
Due to imbalances of climate and water supply, there is a higher chance of rising tummy illnesses. Drought, lack of water can be especially conducive to the spread of gastro.
According to Thiru Vanniasinkam, Microbiologist at Charles Sturt University improperly treated water can carry more harmful bacteria.
"Extreme weather events such as drought and flood can cause an increase in waterborne/foodborne infections, such as gastro," she said.
During dry times, it is very pertinent to carefully pay attention to the quality of water, as some water used could be recycled or improperly treated.
"When there is less water, producers of food crops may be recycling water, which if improperly treated can be an issue, there is also an issue of potential contamination of food crops with surface runoff which can happen when soils is dry during a drought and rain does not penetrate the soil," Dr Vanniasinkam said.
"Any of this water could potentially contaminate fruit or vegetables which is consumed raw could potentially be a health risk."
"During a drought when there may be some rain communities collecting rainwater in tanks may find an increase of in the number of bacteria in that water, in warmer months if there are sources of nutrition in the water, the bacteria may also multiple in the tank water," Dr Vanniasinkam said.
NSW Health have warned people to play it safe when it comes to germs and bacteria.
"The best way to reduce your chances of getting viral gastroenteritis is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 10 seconds before handing and eating food and always wash your hands after using the toilet," NSW Health Director of Health Protection, Dr Jeremy McAnulty, said.
"It is vital if you or your family contract gastroenteritis that you should stay home from work or keep a child home from school if they're sick. [Infected people] should not visit hospitals or aged care facilities to avoid spreading the virus in vulnerable settings."
Symptoms of gastroenteritis include
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Headache
- Muscle ache
Tap water is also found to have the presence of heavy metals like lead, which can also be traced back to old fittings and plumbing systems. The older the fitting, and more corrosive the water, more lead is leached out into the drinking water. Our Aimex 8 stage water filters are designed to remove heavy metals and give you clear and pure drinking water. Aimex water filters ensure the safety of yourself and your family from heavy metal toxicity and poisoning.
What can be done to treat water before consumption?
The best way to reduce the risk of consuming polluted or contaminated water is adequately filtering water before drinking. It is also important to note that not all water filters are the same. The properties of the water filter need to be checked to make sure that it is the right water filter for you and your family.
Aimex Australia's, Advance 8 stage water filter can be a smart water filter to install this season.
How does Aimex Water Filter give you pure, healthy water?
- Removes all toxins
- Removes pollutants and contaminants like rust and organic sediment particles, chlorine, pesticides
- Removes organic matter and heavy metals like Lead, Nickel, Mercury and Arsenic.
- Inhibits the growth of bacteria and removes harmful parasites like Giardia.
- Neutralises foul odour and bad chlorinated taste
- Replace and Restores: Natural trace minerals required by our bodies such as Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium and Iodine
- Gradually releases these natural trace mineral substances for added goodness.
What's more? The filters themselves can be used with several other water coolers (or filter) brands as well. Aimex water filters are easily cleanable and replaceable, giving you a powerful long-term water filtration solution, which is reliable and economical. Explore all Aimex water filters here.
- NSW Drought 2019: Gastro could be side effect of drought
- Aimex Australia: Why do you need a water filter?
- NCBI - Heavy Metals Toxicity and the Environment